What is Myofunctional Therapy?

Myofunctional therapy or orofacial myofunctional therapy is an exercise-based therapy that addresses the root causes and corrects dysfunctional muscle patterns of the face. The four goals of myofunctional therapy are to establish your tongue's proper resting position, promote optimal nasal breathing, improve lip seal, and correct dysfunctional swallow patterns. Our specialized practice targets these muscle groups to restore proper function and create lasting neuromuscular connections.

Who can benefit from myofunctional therapy? Anyone at any age who is struggling with mild sleep apnea, snoring, mouth breathing, grinding or clenching, swallow dysfunction, temporomandibular joint disorder (TMD), thumb sucking, asthma, allergies, or pre/post frenectomy prep. Restorative sleep, efficient breathing, proper growth and development of the face and jaws, and overall well-being can all be achieved through myofunctional therapy.


Why is Myofunctional Therapy Important When Having a Frenectomy?